While arbitration and mediation are the best-known and most frequently used types of ADR, our services extend beyond these. ADR offers a more flexible, cost-effective, and timely resolution of disputes compared to traditional litigation.
We have successfully arbitrated numerous matters and continue to represent individual and corporate clients in ongoing arbitration cases. Our team of highly competent arbitrators provides services with the utmost professionalism and diligence, ensuring fair and efficient resolution of disputes
Mediation is a rapidly growing ADR technique involving assisted negotiations wheredisputants enlist a neutral intermediary to facilitate a voluntary, mutually acceptable settlement. Unlike arbitrators, mediators do not impose decisions but help parties reach their own agreements. Our firm has a strong track record of successful mediations, helping parties resolve conflicts amicably and maintain positive relationships.
Conciliation is another important ADR technique wherea conciliator meets with the parties separately and together to resolve their differences. The conciliator's role is to improve communication, clarify issues, and assistin finding a mutually acceptable solution.